There is something for everybody for Heritage week in Coole.
Our ever popular Bat Walk with NPWS Ranger Raymond Stephens will be held again for Heritage Week. Come find out about the story of Irish Bats on this night time walk around Coole Park.
8.30 to 10pm Sat 18th visitor centre
The Traditional Uses of Plants
Sat 18th 3pm-4.30pm
Come and learn, be entertained, and share your stories about the uses of plants from times past, whilst we walk around Coole Park. From wound treatment, magical protection and the banishment of spirits, to cures for ailments and folklore stories, the uses are many, enlightening and in some cases surprising.
Story Scavenger Hunt Sunday 19th 11am-4pm
A fun walk for the family: pick up your Map from Coole Park Visitor Centre from 11am-4pm. Follow the Map as you make your way around the trails to discover the adventures of Anne and Catherine Gregory, granddaughters to Lady Gregory and what life was like as a child in Coole 100 years ago.
Open your Eyes to Nature
Wednesday 22nd 11am. Our nature event for children will be held as usual starting from the Visitor Centre. We have a different fun activity each week where we learn about the nature and wildlife around us.
Butterfly Walk 3pm-4.30pm Sat 25th
Want to know more about all the butterflies you see in our hedgerows and woodlands? Here is your chance to learn about the common species, how to identify them, and get up close to the beauty of Irish butterflies in Coole Park. Meet at the visitor centre at 3pm for an hour long walk.
An Irish Airman 2.30pm to 4.30pm Sun 26th
Robert Gregory of Coole 1881-1918
To celebrate the centenary of Robert Gregory’s death on the Italian front in 1918 there will be a talk/walk at Coole Park. The story of his life will include memories of his daughter, Anne and anecdotes from his mother, Lady Gregory. As well as being a much loved and respected Commanding Officer, Robert Gregory was an accomplished artist, a fine point-to-point horseman and also played cricket for Ireland.
All events start from the Visitor Centre, no booking is required and every event is free.